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Dispensary Marketing 101

7 Ways To Do Marketing for Cannabis Dispensary

8 Mins read


In recent years, the cannabis sector in Thailand has grown and evolved dramatically, overcoming stigmas and earning local acceptability. With this transition, marketing for cannabis dispensary play an essential role in campaigns—providing customers with access to a wide choice of cannabis goods. However, recruiting new customers to your dispensary in an increasingly competitive market with more than 9,000 dispensaries is critical for long-term profitability.

Understanding the unique obstacles and potential in the cannabis industry in Thailand, this blog attempts to walk dispensary owners, managers, and new entrepreneurs through seven practical tactics for attracting fresh faces. From using the power of online presence and marketing to providing excellent in-store experiences, each method is intended to improve customer acquisition and foster long-term relationships.

And it always starts with ‘knowing your customers’…

Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is essential to developing an effective customer acquisition plan for your dispensary. By researching potential consumers’ demographics and preferences, you can adapt your marketing efforts to meet their requirements and interests.

  • Study Demographics:
    • Gender and Age Determine which genders and age groups are most likely to use cannabis products. Knowing these groups of people can help with product selection and marketing tone.
  • Location:
    • Examine your prospective clients’ geographic locations. Consider regional laws and cultural customs that can affect their cannabis product usage or suggestion patterns.
  • Income Levels:
    • To match product pricing and promotions to your target audience’s financial capabilities, ascertain which income brackets they fall into.

Effective marketing tactics are built on a solid understanding of your target market. This helps your cannabis shop focus on the correct people and offer messages and goods tailored to their tastes. In the ever-changing cannabis market, this knowledge enables a more engaging and individualized approach, strengthening the bond between your dispensary and prospective customers.

Online Presence and Marketing:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is essential for cannabis dispensaries, elevating their online presence by ensuring increased visibility, targeted traffic, and cost-effective marketing. This strategic approach introduces dispensaries to new customers without continuous ad expenses, offering a competitive advantage in niche markets like cannabis. Cannabox is one of the most visible websites in the Thai cannabis industry, popping up at the top when searching for ‘weed, cannabis, marijuana’ related keywords. We at Cannabox owe our SEO success to the information below.

  • Conduct Keyword Research:

Conducting keyword research to identify relevant targets with high-volume searches using tools like Google Trends, Ahrefs, and Semrush optimizes the dispensary’s website for search engines, enhancing visibility and attracting targeted traffic. For example, ‘dispensary near me,’ ‘weed Bangkok,’ and ‘weed shop’ are keywords you would never regret targeting! Are you having a hard time conducting keyword research? Contact the Cannabox team to receive the keyword list.

  • Quality Content:

Crafting quality content is essential for online success. Develop informative and engaging content that resonates with customers while adhering to search engine algorithms. Check out the article ‘The 10 Must-follow SEO Content Writing Rules, ’ which is quite helpful. Seamlessly integrating researched keywords into website content, product descriptions, and meta tags for enhanced search engine ranking is mandatory.

Additionally, ensure the website stays dynamic by regularly updating it with fresh content such as blog posts, product updates, and pertinent information. This consistent effort keeps the audience engaged and improves SEO rankings, as search engines favor regularly updated and relevant content.

  • Mobile Optimization:

In today’s digital landscape, prioritizing mobile optimization is crucial for a seamless user experience and better search engine rankings. With search engines favoring mobile-responsive sites, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is essential. Refer to tools like Page Speed for performance insights. Optimizing images, minimizing loading times, and implementing responsive design to accommodate users across different devices. If using WordPress, consider contacting the webmaster or utilizing plugins for efficient mobile optimization.

GMB (Google My Business)

In the current digital era, any cannabis shop hoping to draw in new clients must have a strong web presence. Google My Business (GMB) is an effective tool that gives prospective consumers vital information and improves exposure. Improving the GMB listing for your dispensary is a calculated move that will help you draw in more customers.

Ensure that every field related to business data on your Google My Business (GMB) profile is precise and complete. This contains the accurate name of the company, address, phone number, website, hours of operation, and many more.

  • Encouraging Customer Reviews

GMB customer reviews significantly impact how other people regard your dispensary. While active participation with customer feedback displays responsiveness and commitment to client satisfaction, positive reviews foster confidence. Therefore, providing rewards encourages happy consumers to post reviews on your Google My Business page by implementing incentive programs that abide by Google guidelines. If clients share their remarkable experiences, consider offering discounts, promotions, or loyalty points as incentives.

Cannabox recently launched its cannabis-specific POS (Point of Sales) for licensed retailers in Thailand. Offering versatile features to boost sales & marketing efforts by integrating Google Reviews into the customer journey at stores, now cannabis retailers can ask for a review through an automated POS system. Contact the Cannabox team to learn more about the POS.

When running incentive campaigns, following Google’s review policies is essential. See their guidelines here to ensure adherence to Google’s policies and avoid possible problems.

SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Social media is an essential part of all of this. Currently, most targeted demographics have access to and are very active on social media, allowing for targeted ads via a social media platform. In the case of Thailand and the landscape of the legalization of cannabis in Thailand concerning its regulation on cannabis, any products related to raw cannabis flowers cannot be advertised. However, using social media platforms to display and feature different products and price promotions is a feature, not an advertisement, nor an indirect advertisement.

  • Craft Compelling Content

“Content is king” holds true as a cornerstone of Social Media Marketing (SMM). Creating interesting and educational information for your target audience while negotiating Thailand’s complex cannabis laws is essential to a successful approach. This involves using eye-catching photos, captivating videos, and carousel postings that display a wide range of cannabis-related products in compliance with regional laws. Within the bounds of legal compliance, it’s critical to highlight the benefits, uses, and unique features of your offerings. Moreover, creative storytelling becomes an essential element that helps you build a genuine and intimate relationship with your audience. Here’s a guide on how to create engaging social media content.

  • Create a Social Media Calendar

Your dispensary’s online presence is guided by a well-structured social media schedule in the ever-changing world of social media marketing (SMM). This calendar’s creation is a calculated effort that matches your content to Thailand’s cannabis market’s dynamic environment.

Things to consider when creating a social media calendar:

  • Defining Your Objectives
  • Identifying Key Themes and Topics
  • Balancing Your Content Mix
  • Aligning with Industry Trends and Events
  • Consistent Posting Schedule

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Boosting your dispensary’s online presence involves more than just organic search engine optimization (SEO); in this digital age, focused SEM campaigns become an effective tactic. You may launch online advertising campaigns that precisely target a larger audience actively looking for cannabis-related items or information by utilizing platforms like Google Ads and others. Crucial actions to do to guarantee your dispensary ranks highly in search engine results include creating effective advertising material, making sure the landing page is interesting, adding pertinent keywords, and putting location-specific targeting limits in place. By using SEM, you may reach a wider audience than you might have with just organic search results, which will enhance your dispensary’s visibility and traffic.

On SEM platforms like Google Ads, it’s crucial to read the laws regarding cannabis advertising thoroughly. There are tight rules governing the marketing of cannabis-related items on websites like Google, and the cannabis sector functions under a complicated legal and regulatory framework. Advertisers that violate these guidelines risk facing consequences, including account suspension or ad rejection. It is essential to comprehend and abide by the particular laws and regulations about cannabis advertising. A few examples are limitations on ad content, targeting, and the requirement to present the required licenses or certificates. Dispensaries may effectively execute SEM advertising and reach their target audience while adhering to platform laws by remaining educated about and following these requirements. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to run Google Ads for cannabis; this is what you need to know.

Offering Loyalty Programs and Incentives

Developing clever loyalty programs and rewards is essential to maintaining client retention and attracting new customers to your dispensary in Thailand’s cutthroat cannabis industry.

  • Implementing a Customer Loyalty Program

Creating a coherent customer loyalty program is a big step in creating enduring customer relationships. Dispensaries increase consumer engagement and foster loyalty by rewarding customers for recurring purchases. To efficiently administer and track loyalty program rewards, integrate a flexible point of sale (POS) system, like the Cannabox POS, designed for licensed stores in Thailand. This POS system’s capabilities, intended to increase sales and marketing efforts, may effectively incorporate loyalty programs, guaranteeing a positive customer experience that will encourage repeat business.

  • Offering Discounts, Promotions, and Special Deals for New Customers

Bringing in new clients is an essential part of expanding a firm. Making a good first impression and encouraging early transactions are achieved by providing first-time clients with discounts, promotions, and special deals. Make use of the features offered by a POS system designed specifically for cannabis, such as Cannabox, to expedite the implementation of these promotional offers. Discounts and promotions may be applied effectively via the connected POS system during transactions, giving consumers and dispensary employees a smooth experience.

  • Creating Referral Programs for Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Word-of-mouth advertising is still an effective instrument in the cannabis business. By implementing referral systems, you can get repeat business from satisfied consumers who suggest you to others. Referral rewards can be automated by a well-integrated POS system, which will improve the process. Cannabox POS, for example, enables cannabis businesses to include automated referral prompts in the customer journey, facilitating staff requests for reviews and consumer referrals of friends. This simplified method guarantees that word-of-mouth advertising becomes crucial to your dispensary’s expansion plan.

Utilizing Data Analytics

Leveraging the power of modern data analytics is essential for dispensaries looking to stay ahead of industry trends, improve consumer experiences, and optimize operations in the ever-changing Thai cannabis market.

  • Implement Tracking Tools to Analyze Customer Behavior

Use sophisticated tracking techniques to investigate and comprehend consumer behavior thoroughly. Dispensaries can obtain essential insights that guide strategic decision-making by looking at preferences, purchasing trends, and interactions. With the use of these tools, which can be either incorporated into your current systems or obtained through outside solutions, dispensaries can customize their products and services to better cater to their clientele’s wide range of needs.

  • Adjusting Marketing Strategies Based on Data-Driven Insights

Use data-driven insights to improve and streamline your marketing tactics and examine consumer preferences and behavior to see how successful previous ads were. Dispensaries can ensure that their messages reach the proper audience and connect with them by modifying their marketing strategy in light of these observations. With this iterative process, advertising may be realistic and targeted, adapting to changing consumer trends as they happen.

  • Continuously Improving Customer Engagement Through Analytics

Use data to find areas where you can improve, whether in customer service procedures, product offerings, or loyalty schemes. With the help of analytics, dispensaries may improve consumer satisfaction levels and foster enduring client loyalty. Dispensaries may proactively resolve concerns and continuously improve customer experience by monitoring behavior trends and consumer feedback.

Furthermore, Cannabox POS offers an integrated consumer shopping experience with its second-screen app, which elevates customer interaction to a new level. Thanks to this cutting-edge technology, customers may actively interact with product details, incentives, and reward programs, which makes the shopping experience smooth and engaging. In Thailand’s competitive cannabis market, dispensaries can use the extra engagement provided by Cannabox POS to respond to customer feedback and behavioral trends while proactively improving the overall customer experience and building long-lasting relationships with their customers.


Bringing new customers to your dispensary is a tactic and a need for long-term success in the quickly changing Thai cannabis market. This article has examined seven practical strategies for overcoming obstacles and realizing opportunities in this ever-changing economy.

In conclusion, cultivating client loyalty, adopting digital techniques, knowing your audience, and remaining flexible in market changes are all essential for success in Thailand’s cutthroat cannabis sector. With these tactics and a proactive attitude, your dispensary will prosper and draw in fresh customers in this expanding industry.

28 posts

About author
Cenk Cetin is a cannabis tech entrepreneur based in Thailand. He is dedicated to the digital transformation of retailers and has a can-do mentality to any task related.
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